Q1701 Sir Philip Mawer: I want to understand where you sat, your perception of the problems, but I must focus you on your contact with Mrs Duncan Smith.
Mr Muldrew: Sure. My position did settle really from the end of January until I left the Leader's office at the beginning of that September. As I say at some stage I knuckled down into my role in correspondence. How we all finally gained titles was simply that the people putting together the Party intranet insisted we all had titles in the telephone directory and I remember Rebecca going round asking us all what we thought we should call ourselves. I said, "I do not know", she said, "Correspondence Secretary" and I said, "you cannot call me Correspondence Secretary when there is already a Correspondence Unit" then she said, "Political Secretary" and I said, "I think that is egging the pudding slightly, Rebecca" and she said, "Well, Correspondence and Political Secretary" and I said, "OK, fair enough", she said, "We just need something to go on the intranet".
This posting of course raises far more questions than it answers, if any feel they can explain what it all means and wish to share their ideas with other blog readers please e-mail your ideas to martin.cole@gmail.com advising whether or not they can be posted to the blog.
Party leader Roger Knapman is facing a vote of no confidence after losing the support of key activists.
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