UKIP Uncovered
What motivates the leaders of the United Kingdom Independence Party?

Monday, May 09, 2005 

UKIP should promote and back Neil Herron as an Independent in South Staffs

The press release below might make sweet reading for UKIP but what does it truly represent?

In reality we face five more years with no dedicated anti-EU voice in what is now only supposedly the main legislative chamber of the nation. This charade must be exposed!

The unusual by-election in South Staffs gives a golden opportunity for that to occur.

I strongly urge all who fear for the freedoms and democracy of Britain to join together and back one sound and articulate anti-EU candidate for the coming contest in South Staffs.

Although I have not proposed this to Neil Herron, I have no hesitation whatsoever in putting his name forward on this and my other blogs as the ideal man to fill such a role.

Few in the eurosceptic movement can be unaware of Neil's views or his notable achievements.

If, like me, you are sick of the petty wrangling that so frequently distracts the euro-sceptic movement from the real battle against the EU, make your views on a joint candidate for South Staffs known to the leadership of your own party.

Neil Herron's blog may be visited by clicking here, send him an e-mail too!

posted by Martin |3:27 AM
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