UKIP Uncovered
What motivates the leaders of the United Kingdom Independence Party?

Saturday, October 30, 2004 

Leadership lessons for UKIP from yesterday's YouGov Poll

As reported on Teetering Tories, linked here, yesterday's YouGov poll showing that only 19 per cent of the electorate would trust a future Michael Howard led government shows the complete shambles of the Tories. The reason for such deeply held suspicion is clear - as I repeatedly pointed out during the ousting of IDS - Howard as an ex-Major minister would never be given the public's trust. The poll results may be read from this link.

One year ago this weekend Michael Howard had yet to be annointed Tory leader. The plot to destroy euroscepticism within the Conservative Party, and the neutering of the Conservatives as an effective organisation with which to confront the euro-federalist forces of New Labour and the Liberal Democrats could still have been thwarted. It is no defence to say nobody could have foreseen that such was what was afoot because I warned throughout late October and early November on both Teetering Tories, Ironies and my posting on this blog of 31st October titled 'Tories finished as anti-EU Factor' linked here. Others also saw the dangers.

Not only that, as I am sure he will recall, I repeatedly pleaded with the most noted Tory euro-sceptic John Redwood, to challenge for the leadership, but he considered his chances as hopeless. So one year ago, anti-EU forces within Britain suffered a huge setback. The reputation of all Conservative MP's has now been so seriously damaged there can be no short, nor possibly even medium term prospects for anyone to lead the party away from the deep, deep suspicion and mistrust in which they are now held.

Now, however, one year later, almost exactly to the day, another such battle is being waged. Another disgraced ex-minister from the Major years seems stubbornly determined to permanently destroy a party's reputation by the taint he bears from having been a whip in that government. All the indications are that this man, Roger Knapman, will do for the UK Independence Party what Michael Howard has managed for the Tories.

A year ago, even as Howard was being manipulated into place, it was perfectly clear that no election victories or successes can possibly be gained. Like Howard, both physically and in soiled background Roger Knapman is a spoiler, positioned to destroy and thwart the democratic aspirations of the nation and his countrymen and women. There is still a chance to remove him. Just such a chance as existed for the Conservative Party a year ago this weekend. They did not accept the challenge and they are a spent force.

It might still be possible to see the dreadful performance of Knapman against the Deputy Prime Minister last weekend by clicking here, no defence was realistically offered (nor could there have been) against the constant taunts of Tory associations and his record as a member of 'Maastricht' Major's shameful administration. How can UKIP hope to progress under a leader of such poor pedigree, forever vulnerable to possibly the dirtiest taunt that can now be thrown in British politics - 'TORY'.

UKIP has precious little time to ensure that they too do not flinch and now similarly betray the country. Roger Knapman must step down.

posted by Martin |8:23 AM
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