UKIP Uncovered
What motivates the leaders of the United Kingdom Independence Party?

Tuesday, October 26, 2004 

Can UKIP members continue to ignore the Cabal's conspiratorial convolutions?

QUESTION: When is a UKIP Branch a 'duly registered Branch?' - under Paragraph 6.10 of the UKIP Constitution?

"When it is properly notified to us and registered as an Accounting Unit with the Electoral Commission under the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act, 2000" - 'Conrad Wells, Registrar, Electoral Commission'.

Reject the offer of Robert Kilroy-Silk to take-over and bring order and decency back to the party in order that it can effectively fight for the democracy and independence of the people of Britain or continue like this:-

QUESTION: When is a UKIP Branch a 'duly registered Branch?' - under Paragraph 6.10 of the UKIP Constitution?

"When we say it is" - Nigel Farage, David Lott, Petrina Holdsworth, John Moran, Mike Nattrass, Tony Stone, Andrew Smith, Tom Wise, Roger Knapman, Derek Clark, Graham Booth and staff of the Ashford Call Centre

As pointed out in our posting below, which contains details of the cabal's arrangements to create multiple phantom branches concurrently with instituting a rule change on calling Emergency General Meetings by Branch Chairmen, thus raising the number required from a mere twenty to the forty-seven apparently needed today if the cabal's statement on the number of presently existing branches is to be believed!

Can anything better illustrate the depths and lengths theses people will go to cling to power. Their actions constantly prove, not least in their total absence from the present campaign against Regional Assemblies in the North East and their backing of the clearly counter-productive Tory NESNO campaign, that such power is not being used to counter the EU's advances.

posted by Martin |8:45 AM
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