UKIP Uncovered
What motivates the leaders of the United Kingdom Independence Party?

Tuesday, September 28, 2004 

Leadership Jitters!

With the conference now mere days away, its organisers having resigned over agenda disputes and the party riven by the past antics of Nigel Farage MEP and the bitter legacy of his various manipulations and unsuitable appointees that now remain - suddenly it seems to have occurred to those presiding over this debacle , that even they might reap the bitter harvest their incompetence and ineptitude so richly deserves. How can I tell? Simple really, Greg Lance-Watkins the Farage clique's favourite attack hound, has unexpectedly launched a lengthy praise of Roger Knapman's continuing leadership to the obvious benefit of - well you can probably guess who by a simple quote from his concluding paragraph:-

"The next change in leadership for UKIP should be postponed for as long as possible as Roger has proved he can do the job well and has delivered. Then when Knapman does seek to stand down will be the time to consider the wisdom of having a much younger and dynamic leader - the road ahead is not relevant for old men or sagacity it will be the preserve of courage and dynamism as it will be a very rocky road fraught with traps but requiring selfless negotiating skills and a very quick eye for Party/National benefit."

If you have an opinion, and have not yet done so, please vote on our poll at the head of the blog. Surely with events moving so quickly on the EU, and an election upon the horizon, Eurorealism's best chance of a say in the next parliament can only come from a change at the top. Robert Kilroy-Silk MEP should leave next weekend's conference as UKIP's leader - any other outcome will be one more advance for the EU!

posted by Martin |3:19 PM
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