UKIP Uncovered
What motivates the leaders of the United Kingdom Independence Party?

Tuesday, September 28, 2004 

Bruges Group Poll pulled as Kilroy races ahead! AND Chechyna AGAIN!

The Scotsman reports on a Bruges Group poll that was clearly sabotaged, but is an amusing story none the less. The article may be read from this link.

While not infallible, the polls on this blog do try to prevent multiple voting.

The one placed here yesterday regarding Mike Nattrass and his Chechen comments is particularly close at present, with a surprising 4o per cent believing that he should not withdraw the comment.

If this is a true reflection of party opinion I must confess to being truly amazed. Admittedly the sample is tiny, but there are six of my readers out there apparently, who seem to be suggesting that capturing a huge school of youngsters, some aged as young as four - stripping them half naked and holding them captive under vast amounts of suspended high explosives, laughingly machine-gunning many, then threatening them with armed guards, themselves encased in explosives, over several days and finally blowing them sky high - ALL THAT it seems might be deemed as an appropriate means, by some who read this blog, for Britain to regain its lost sovereignty from the EU? I am astounded and indeed quite horrified, just as I was on first reading the remarks! Maybe the facts of the school massacre were not as fully reported in the UK as elsewhere; if they were then even that excuse fails and we are left with only ignorance or pure malicious cold-bloodedness.

Let me quote again the lead in to the article headlined 'Britain faces Chechen-style war, says Ukip leader', quoting UKIP Deputy Leader's remarks:-

Mike Nattrass, the deputy leader of the UK Independence party, warned yesterday that Britain might have to fight its way out of Europe in the same way that Chechyna was fighting to free itself from Russia.

His remarks, on the eve of the Ukip annual conference in Bristol, come a fortnight after Chechen rebels stormed a school in Beslan and murdered more than 330 children and parents. They will raise questions about the politics and judgment of some of the senior figures in the party.

posted by Martin |8:57 AM
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