UKIP Uncovered
What motivates the leaders of the United Kingdom Independence Party?

Tuesday, July 20, 2004 

UKIP abandons pretence of democratic party procedures.

Nigel Farage, MEP appears to have strengthened his fascist-like control of the UK Independence Party since their successes last month in the European Parliamentary elections. Farage, apparently happy to be regularly described in the media, for example here, as 'Head' of the UKIP delegation in the European Parliament, has allowed none of the party's constitutional leadership to explain the anomaly that this delegation contains both the supposed Leader and Deputy Leader of the Party, not of course to mention- also its most high-profile MEP.

The newly appointed Party Chairman, Petrina Holdsworth, appears to have been selected for her lack of internet resources, matching the incredible 'information disability' this has already caused Party Leader Knapman and the high-profiled and perhaps misled Robert Kilroy-Silk.

Other signs of erosion of democratic procedures are the setting of the timing for the Business Session of the party's AGM to commence at 09:30 am in Bristol, hardly feasible for the majority of party members to attend and the restrictive and vague procedures for the vetting of prospective parliamentary candidates as detailed on the UKIP website linked here, from which this is a quote:-

"To provide associations with a good choice of high quality candidates who have been full vetted, the Party is building up a new approved candidates list. Former candidates must re-apply if they wish to be on the new list. If you wish your name to be added to this list, please write to Head Office , and you will be contacted shortly thereafter. You should mark your application ‘General Election Candidate Selection’.

Please note that no member may describe themselves as a Prospective Parliamentary Candidate (PPC) unless they are on the new list. Branches wishing to adopt a PPC should ensure that applicants are on the candidates list, and should also liaise closely with their regional organiser."

Regional Organiser's have no democratic accountability within the Party whatsoever, but their growing influence and control is probably the greatest cause for concern for all. UKIP is becoming not just a menace to the eurorealist cause but now it seems - democracy in general. This is particularly regrettable in view of the high-profile it continues to receive in the media thanks to Robert Kilroy-Silk. Witness this report from EU Business, published this morning on the subject of the opening of the new Strasbourg Parliamentary session and the extensive coverage provided to UKIP; it may be read from here.

posted by Martin |5:48 AM
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