UKIP Uncovered
What motivates the leaders of the United Kingdom Independence Party?

Thursday, May 13, 2004 

Fighting the BNP

This blog was founded on suspicions of collusion between the UKIP and the BNP, to prevent such occurring and countering any such tendency to the maximum extent possible by the dissemination of facts!

While talk of a pact or understanding have never been either proved or disproved, events have continued to occur which have prevented such a possibility from rarely being put beyond active consideration.

The battle for votes is now joined and there can now no doubt, particularly following the direct and effective attacks of Kilroy-Silk against 'political correctness' that the fight for the protest vote and the ability to capitalise on the public's widespread disgust with the mainstream parties and their leaders will now be mainly fought out between the BNP and UKIP.

This report on the BNP's strengths and weaknesses from today's Guardian is therefore required reading for all actively involved; it is linked from its title: Parties alarmed by BNP election threat Note especially this comment:-

However, the study also revealed that the BNP's vote was potentially the "weakest", with more of its supporters saying that they had considered voting for another party, and many claiming that they had only voted for the BNP to register a protest against the Labour government or Labour-run council.

Following the explosion of Kilroy-Silk onto the scene, I imagine the three main party leaders have much more on which to secretly meet and conspire!

The same newspaper's main story today, however, is of course the vulnerability of Tony Blair. Many hoping to deliver a bloody nose to the established parties, (at the forefront of which group must not be forgotten Neil Herron in the North East, Martin Bell in the East and the English Democrats in five English regions), must be grateful that it is now too late for a leadership change in New Labour to be effected before 10th June. Michael Howard's apparent determination to destroy the chances of his party's candidates with his recent blind eye towards sleaze and policy shifts towards the EPP must already be proving manna from heaven for independent candidates and the smaller parties alike.

As long predicted by this blog, the 2004 Euro Elections are shaping up to be an earthquake within the heart of Britain's political establishment. We will endeavour to report on the unfolding events as frequently, truthfully and accurately as we may. Recent readership leaps indicate that we are getting the mix about right - for which, thanks!

posted by Martin |9:38 AM
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