UKIP Uncovered
What motivates the leaders of the United Kingdom Independence Party?

Wednesday, April 28, 2004 

Responses from UKIP Members - The Thug Tendency

It was back last June that I first posted on the subject of a tendency towards nastiness amongst a certain group of UKIP activists - this item is linked from here. It has unhappily also been discussed at intervals since.

Part of the prompting for that original posting was the 'apparently' co-incidental, almost simultaneous, receipt in the post of a circular advertising bodyguard and personal protection services, by the otherwise not connected chairman/woman of the UKIP Yorkshire and North East Regional Committees, then under blistering attack and eventual unconstitutional disbandment by the obnoxious clique of individuals still running the party to this day.

Following last weekend's circulation of further details of their most recent activities to new sections of the party, my computer and that of another helpful individual has been under repeated virus attacks, in my case my e-mail password became inoperative and many abusive e-mails have been recieved, few of them elevating themselves much above the F***K, P**S or S*D OFF variety. The UKIP Thug Tendency is indeed alive and kicking!

Quoting these e-mails, or even selections would be distasteful and pointless. One, however, is an exception and I feel should be publicised as it is from an individual much featured in the early stages of this blog, who was in fact solely responsible for alerting me to the really unsavoury nature of certain parts of UKIP; but who nevertheless, in spite of all the squalid tricks in which he gets found out, (enter Peter Troy in the UU Google Search engine above for 21 separate entries with details) he nevertheless survives and in fact seems to be still extraordinarily favoured by the leadership cabal. So much so that he incomprehensively remains one of their lead MEP candidates for 10th June, as he proudly displays at the foot of his poisonous diatribe.

His comment is posted below. Note its total absence of willingness to enter into any debate on points of policy or substance and complete reliance on unreasoned personal attack. Read it and ask yourself how such a candidate can do anything but besmirch the party's name and worse even risk the ruination of the very cause that UKIP is supposed to represent:-

Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 7:37 PM
Subject: Re: Discover Your UK Independence Party

Mr ****,

I refer to your email received today.

Cole is a nasty odious obsessive individual who I recently compared with 'Lord Haw Haw.' Unfortunately owing to the imposition of the convention of Human Rights upon British law Martin Cole is, for the time being at least, unable to suffer the same fate.

I sir have not forgotten who are the enemies of Her Majesty's realm are. You sir, I believe have, shame upon you.

Peter Troy
Lead Candidate, Scotland
UK Independence Party.

Meantime many thanks to all those who have responded to recent communications with messages of support.

posted by Martin |6:54 PM
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