UKIP Uncovered
What motivates the leaders of the United Kingdom Independence Party?

Wednesday, April 28, 2004 

Informing the Membership

If the elections to the governing body of an organisation were to be unconstitutionally cancelled, then ordered by the duly appointed responsible officer to proceed, the ballot papers then mysteriously disappeared, the Returning Officer reportedly threatened and thereafter resigning in disgust - would it not seem appropriate for the deprived electors to be informed of such events?

If these activities occurred as the culmination of further extraordinary events taking place over the preceding years and culminating in a whole string of particularly doubtful, if not downright dubious, dirty dealings in the previous twelve months, all as summarised in my posting this time yesterday and as set out in full detail on this web-site - would it not be the correct course to inform as many party members as possible as to exactly what was taking place?

Earlier this month an election circular was distributed to a large batch of UKIP party members by e-mail. The recipients somehow each received the e-mail details of all the other recipients. That list of members therefore became extremely widely known and generally available to party members and others. (In a posting above this, one explanation from Acting Party Secretary Nikki Sinclaire is provided, an earlier version from Party Chairman Lott is also available).

Given this opportunity to inform the broader UKIP Party Membership of the underhand activities being perpetrated in their names, last Sunday I began to send out, within the constraints of my personal e-mail handling capabilities, (later in the day I received further help with the distribution for which I was most grateful), this message, with a subject "Discover your UK Independence Party", which was as follows:-


Dear Fellow Dedicated Opponent of the EU,

Please take some time to visit the web site below which is dedicated to bringing the latest news of activities within your party, to as many people as possible - often several times a day. It can be reached by clicking on the link here:-

The latest posting from our fascinating site, which carries a wealth of links, all completely and solely dedicated to the UK Independence Party is quoted below:-


The following has just been sent to the UKIP NEC by Damian Hockney:-

I'm not sure if you have seen Craig's comments about the NEC elections. The attacks by David Lott and others on the candidates who are standing on a basis of reforming the party after June 10th have been disgraceful and outrageous. And the antics of the past two weeks by Nikki Sinclaire, David Lott, Nigel Farage and his staff in the past two weeks have been nothing short of third world. It is like we are staging a re-run of a Roumanian election in 1938. Craig describes in his final paragraph the "perverted and shambolic" processes instigated by David Lott, Nikki Sinclaire and Nigel Farage and employees, and I am experiencing at first hand myself the clearly corrupt and fraudulent process under way, with frantic attempts to lean on processes and have me disbarred from standing for the NEC and for the GLA elections.

What is so completely extraordinary is that an employee of Nigel Farage's can take away the party ballot papers and then deny the official returning officer access to them.

Although it is a blow to fair elections, I think that Craig had only two options - to resign as he has done, or to go to court to have the proper process upheld, but with constant attacks upon his authority and upon fair elections he has clearly had enough.

But who now will ensure proper process? There have been moves by Nikki (who is acting party sec) to have candidates' election addresses qualified and she has already acted, with David Lott, to unconstitutionally stop the NEC elections. She has campaigned repeatedly to usurp Craig from his position.

No-one can stop the elections or interfere with them other than the Returning Officer. For the last 3 months, the Party Chairman and others have done nothing but interfere in these elections, smearing candidates in them, now cancelling them to suit their own ends.

This is quite simply corrupt and I call upon the NEC to stop this corruption right away or to face the consequences.

I also call upon you not to support the intended plan of the party leadership to stop me standing in the European and GLA elections, as this is clearly a major aim of the corruption of the processes underway. You may remember that I told you at the last NEC meeting, which I recorded as you know, that the secret plan is to declare me an "unfit candidate" following the likely reinstatement of myself by the Appeal Committee.

I really must say to NEC members that if they can clearly tolerate this level of corruption and gerrymandering in the name of a great cause, then they must ask themselves how far are they prepared to go down a road of deceit, lies and smears while closing thei r ears and eyes and repeating the mantra: "Only 60 days to go, the only thing that matters is the Euro Elections".

Does honour and honesty and decency and proper behaviour count for nothing in our cause? Are all these things negiotiable in the process of getting a few people highly paid jobs?

Are you just going to sit there and weakly simper, closing your hands over your ears while people like myself tell you awkward truths?

If you allow and permit such corruption in your own name you are as guilty as those who are undertaking it.

Damian Hockney

Please visit the website and make a fully informed decision as to how you should be campaigning in the next few weeks.

Yours sincerely,

Martin Cole


posted by Martin |6:22 AM
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