UKIP Uncovered
What motivates the leaders of the United Kingdom Independence Party?

Monday, March 15, 2004 

UKIP could be saved at today's NEC

All that is needed is a decision to run no candidates in the June European Elections. As Jeffrey Titford MEP and then Party Leader, so rightly pointed out in his speech A Journey to the Rotten Heart of Europe to the Bruges Group on 4th November 2000 linked here nothing can be achieved by elected MEPs anyway!

The run-up to these elections has seen UKIP tear itself to pieces, the fight against the EU has been forgotten, and the prospects for any victory are now forlorn.

Best to regroup, salvage what is left of the party's reputation and at least retain some eurosceptic credentials for the far more important Westminster elections that must soon follow.

Herwith some significant quotes from the former Party Leader's speech:-

"So we go through this charade, this parody of democratic process"

"In little more than an hour in that hemicycle, we may be required to cast 200 votes or more - one vote approximately every 20 seconds - each having a direct effect on the lives of hundreds, sometimes millions of people, led by a bored so-called president who sits at the front, for all the world like a weary teller in some huge bingo hall."

"Remember: In this parliament there are no private members bills. Not a single measure originates in the parliament. Every directive and regulation is written by the commission, passes through this charade and becomes European Law."

"Our votes cannot check a directive. We are there merely to furnish the illusion of democracy, providing a veneer to conceal what is a fundamentally undemocratic process. The cast may change, but the show always goes on, with the actors collecting their wages from the stage door and dashing off for a self-congratulatory drink after the show."

"Far from being at the centre of things, the European parliament is a cul-de-sac."

"What we are uncovering is much more important because it is insidious, covert and unseen and whatever is insidious, covert and unseen in the process of government is of its nature undemocratic. This is what we have come to know as "creeping integration", the slow but relentless absorption of our institutions, customs and freedoms, ignored by the media and concealed from the public."

"...yet amounts to nothing less than the deliberate deception of the electorate."

posted by Martin |6:16 AM
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