UKIP Uncovered
What motivates the leaders of the United Kingdom Independence Party?

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 

EU Constitution

Reproduced below is this morning's post on the blog Ironies regarding the EU Constitution which once again now represents the most threatening, very clear and immediately present danger! Ironies will now return EU Constitutional matters to the top of its agenda , and as in December will provide multiple daily updates on the unfolding disaster.


We link a summary of the main provisions of the Constitution from today's EUBusiness (here). It now looks like being rushed through at breakneck speed, in my view to allow France and Germany to avoid the fines under the Maastricht Provisions which will then become void. I consider these elements as particularly unacceptable:-

- EU LEGISLATION: EU law shall have primacy over national legislation.

Current raft of legislative devices are to be replaced by six legal measures: laws, framework laws, regulations, decisions, recommendations and opinions.

- LEGAL STANDING: The constitution establishes the EU as a legal body with power to sign international treaties.

- CITIZENSHIP: "Every national of a Member State shall be a citizen of the Union."

If the voting compromise proposed by France and Germany is accepted by the Poles and the other fawning member states' leaders (latest situation also described by EUBusiness linked here) then nearly all our laws look like being made by EU qualified majority voting of just above the simple majority. This is absolutely outrageous and to me it is inconceivable that any British Government could consider agreeing such an arrangement even with some of the longest standing Commonwealth members who share our basis of law and democracy, let alone the Continental powers who down through history, continuing right up to the very recent past, have no tradition of those in authority respecting the individual and to whom, even today, the concept of 'fair play' seems alien.

It is absolutely unacceptable on any basis and must be stopped!

posted by Martin |9:29 AM
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