UKIP Uncovered
What motivates the leaders of the United Kingdom Independence Party?

Tuesday, March 16, 2004 

Chaos at NEC as leadership crumbles over kangaroo courts

We deliver this report, as received from one of our most reliable sources:-


It was a cold day in Brum for UKIP's leadership as it began to see its campaigns against party members crumble.

In an extraordinary move, Michael Harvey's discipline case began to fall apart as the cabal grasped the true extent of anger growing throughout the party at their antics. You may remember that Farage, Chairman Lott, Mike Nattrass and Knapman arranged the suspension without any trial of Michael Harvey.

They had him suspended and then told the chairman of the panel to tell him that he "was not allowed to know why he had been suspended". They said that this was "fair" and "democratic".

The only thing that has altered all of this - and UKIP members please remember this - is that a major donor told them in no uncertain terms to "pack it in or else". Important because it means that lobbying and calling them WORKS. It's only when UKIP members say nothing and think "Oh well he must have done something. We must just get on. Only 90 days to go"...that's when the cabal get away with things.

How did they "pack it in". Well they used an extraordinary device. Half an hour before the meeting they spoke to the panel chairman and told him to say that he had "miiscounted' the votes to suspend Michael Harvey. "What you have to say is that you thought someone who voted to suspend Harvey in fact voted NOT to," said Nigel Farage. "Then you have to say that someone else called you and changed their minds. We can fix it that way."

And can you believe it, that is what happened.

More antics from the NEC later in the day, including: Sinclaire's last stand as she tries to wrest the Returning Officer's job from Craig Mackinlay; the shouting match over Damian Hockney's demand to know whether the leadership has done a stitch-up with the BNP, and the refusal of the leadership to answer the questions (without answering his questions, they said they wouldn't stay in the room with him so he addressed them for 10 minutes and left, having put on record his concerns).


posted by Martin |11:53 AM
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