UKIP Uncovered
What motivates the leaders of the United Kingdom Independence Party?

Friday, February 27, 2004 

What Happened to UKIP's Constitutional Safeguards Against Racists

Obtaining an up to date edition of the constitution, proved beyond me even when still a party member. Thanks to the researches of Barbara Booker, however, I can throw this much light on the subject.

The orginal constitution was explicit, unambiguous and totally clear:-

"No party member who has been a member of an extremist party of the right or left . . . may hold office or stand for election on behalf of the party"

"He (the party leader) will also have the power . . .to expel members from the party who are bringing it into disrepute or who are infiltrators from other parties or bodies".

It was the constitution adopted under the leadership of Michael Holmes and chairmanship of Nigel Farage that watered down the fundamental principles and safeguards:

The above firm statement became the feeble:-

"Potential candidates shall make full disclosure of any fact, political or personal, that may have a bearing on their suitability for selection as a candidate"

- the original "The party will seek to build a free Britain in a free world by remaining, always, a non-sectarian, non-racist body with no prejudices against foreigners or lawful minorities"

was replaced by this meaningless

"The party will be guided in its activities by the principal of non-discrimination"

- and the original:-

"The party recognizes the legitimacy of the Westminster Parliament only and will not send representatives to the unconstitutional, self-styled European parliament",

became a gravy train ticket with:-

"Although the Party seeks to free the United Kingdom from all the institutions of the
European Union, by bringing about its withdrawal from the European Union itself, it may, until that aim is achieved, contest elections to the European parliament and its successful candidates will take up the seats it has won".

Happily the declaration to be signed by Party Officials and Candidates is still consderably stronger, (see post beneath this) and if now properly enforced could at least serve to remove those MEP candidates and officials already revealed in the national press as having past far right associations.

We hope the new Party Secretary will set about the huge task ahead with vigour!

posted by Martin |10:34 AM
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