UKIP Uncovered
What motivates the leaders of the United Kingdom Independence Party?

Tuesday, November 11, 2003 

UKIP NEC bans the Internet

Stray items from yesterday's NEC come our way Nothing on any of the crucially deferred Emergency NEC Motions, however, but quoted below is one sign of the ruling cabal's attempt to avoid accountability and stifle crucial information flows regarding their 'modus operandi'.

Hi, here's another incredulous tit bit from the Walter Mitty world inhabited by David Lott, UKIP Chairman! It's back to the dark ages for internal communications within the NEC!!!!

"In future members of the NEC must not communicate with the rest of the NEC by e-mail on any matter of importance."

Can they be serious about this? The simple answer is yes!

Yesterday, when one NEC member asked about this, in disbelief, he was told that NEC members should send everything by fax!!! For heavens sake! The very idea of taking a piece of paper out of a computer and repeatedly feeding it back through the fax machine makes it a 20 year step back in time.

But why is this happening? The reason is that E-mails circulating around the Internet, and between UKIP members, have been so effective in causing said members to question the actions of the Cabal. Therefore they think the problem lies with e-mails (neither Nigel and Roger use them of course, Roger doesn't even have a computer at home). Stop 'E' communications and no further troubles for them! Wishful thinking! Put simply, it's an attempt (by people with little understanding of modern electronic communications) to slow down the supply of information, a modern equivalent of killing the messenger. It would be funny if it wasn't so damned tragic. Canute and waves come to mind!

It really is like something out of the ark - what next? Quill pens for all communications? Carrier pigeons maybe? Will UKIP describe Birmingham on its new headed paper (printed on ye olde parchment of course) as being in the County of Warwickshire?

You seriously could not make this up!

posted by Martin |8:26 PM
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