UKIP Uncovered
What motivates the leaders of the United Kingdom Independence Party?

Sunday, November 16, 2003 

To 'Hell in a Handbasket'

Christina Speight informs us of the recent experiences of a fellow ex-UKIP member:

'Yesterday a man called Patrick Lawrence from "UKIP Head Office" rang to try and get a thoroughly disillusioned ex-member to rejoin. He announced that the leader was a Mr Knapman but didn't know he was a failed Tory MP.

Membership has now - he said - reached "4 figures" or "more than 20,000" [no A level maths! These boys in UKIP chuck out any old figure that comes to hand. ]

Damian Hockey is apparently in charge of the London Office and is "very charismatic" as he will be glad to know! :-)

Mr Lawrence was a bit vague about his office co-workers and had never heard of Farage. The thoroughly disillusioned ex-member filled him in on that one.

Just thought everyone should know! As Gerard Batten pointed out yesterday the party has a 'cash-flow problem' but what they are doing is selling multiple year subs to pay off the debts. What's the party going to fund the 'General Election' out of, with no more subs coming in?

The letter referred to from Gerrard Batten, UKIP NEC Member and UKIP's Lead MEP Candidate in London, is immediately beneath this post or can be linked from here.

posted by Martin |8:48 AM
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