UKIP Uncovered
What motivates the leaders of the United Kingdom Independence Party?

Wednesday, October 22, 2003 

Statement from Dr John Whitaker

As is our custom, we will always print comments, proper amendments or justified corrections to our posts when reasonably requested to do so.

In connection with our post of yesterday Dr North and Peter Troy we have been asked to post the following which was addressed to Peter Troy and first appeared on another e-mail list to which we do not have access:-

Dear Peter (copies to your email list)

"I don't remember the detail of our different opinion about the handling of
the collection from the meeting you organised in Leyland, October 2000. I
think, as you say, that we were dismayed that these funds were used to pay
for the meeting

But I confirm that there was never any suggestion that you had appropriated
the funds for yourself. Do quote me on this if you like."

John Whittaker

It arrived to us with the following extra statement from Troy himself:-

"I am grateful to Dr John Whittaker for his email to me., posted below. I understand that Cole has made some references to me yet again. As always Cole is reliant upon false information. Dr Whittaker confirms that a quote of Tony Bennett which has been posted by Cole on his blogbott web site that accuses me of appropriating members contributions to the party at a meeting, which I organised three years ago, is quite incorrect. When Cole is made aware of Bennett false statement I trust Cole will post a retraction, but somehow I doubt that he will so do."
Peter Troy

We have never knowingly posted any wrong information on the blog and will continue to make corrections when inaccuracies are reported to us. We would welcome comments from any others recalling this incident or other matters arising from the activities of Dr North and Peter Troy in the North of England which we are continuing to research.

We previously asked for information regarding the, till now highly secret, Graham Webster-Gardiner report which supposedly led to calls for Troy's dismissal and a resignation by Dr North, exonerating as it most certainly did the North East Regional Committee after the first occasion on which Troy sought its suspension.

posted by Martin |4:03 PM
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