UKIP Uncovered
What motivates the leaders of the United Kingdom Independence Party?

Wednesday, October 22, 2003 

Party Expulsion

In an attempt to squash internal party democratic debate in the run up to last February's NEC elections, a UKIP party discussion group was suspended for the duration of the campaign. In an attempt to allow interchange to continue Andrew Edwards, then acting Branch Chairman of UKIP Bath started a new and quite separate and independent discussion group.

Following its growing success, the party General Secretary demanded to be allowed to join presumably so that (as on the party group) topics could be monitored and the party's Discipline Panel brought down on those who refused to be silenced on matters he might deem inappropriate. With continuing resignations from the party, Mr Edwards decided that membership of his 'new-ind-uk' should also be open to non-ukip members and the writer of this blog was therefore able to circulate details of his unjustified candidature disqualification and the travesty of justice over the suspension of the North East Regional Committe which continues to this day.

Incredibly Mr Edwards has now been expelled from the party for organising this private internet discussion group, apparently on the grounds that he is bringing the party into disrepute. Thus ignoring the fact that the group is solely open to private citizen volunteer members only!

We should be quite clear about exactly what UKIP is proposing with this ruling. Party members are not just to be controlled and disciplined for what they dare say within party meetings and fora - they are to be prohibited from participating in free and open debate outside the organs of the party or risk expulsion. This is where UKIP, supposedly devoted to the fight against the non-democratic EU, has been led by its present corrupt leadership.

Another weapon they use against party members who prefer to spend their energies taking the fight to the EU are the internet-spread lies of the disgraced 'inciter to murder' Greg Lance-Watkins. In his attacks on all those truly dedicated to fighting against the EU and/or reforming UKIP's corrupted party structures, he proves himself the real friend of the EU he has so often seemed. Latest untruths of last evening, were that the said Andrew Edwards was a regular attendee at Lance-Watkin's 'Hunstman' gatherings, whereas he had been but once, and that this blog writer had once been ejected from the Tory Party which is as absolutely without foundation as was his earlier disgusting libel that my wife and I had once been on a child abuser's register. This is the type of individual David Lott, Derek Clark and Michael Harvey wish to have their name associated with on several popular internet fora, even after the NEC has passed a motion calling for no further association.

Those he attacks are the ones who can now carry themselves with pride. Real fighters against the deep corruption and sordidness at the heart of UKIP, but frequently attacked by Watkins such as, Judith Longman and Damian Hockney. Devoted battlers against the EU for many hours each day, such as Christina Speight and Andrew Edwards. Also many other dedicated UKIP party members attacked by Lance-Watkins in the past, but still, mostly now as ex-members ever battling the EU and its disgraceful and non-democratic proposed Constitution.

posted by Martin |8:41 AM
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