UKIP Uncovered
What motivates the leaders of the United Kingdom Independence Party?

Wednesday, September 24, 2003 

Further Threats from GLW

A long rambling diatribe, typical of many sent down the years by Greg Lance-Watkins, has now come our way having first been circulated earlier this week. Here are some of the slightly relevant threats from this supposed non-member of UKIP:-

UKIP MUST if it is ever to be considered credible, reinstate ALL of the disciplinary complaints, which it has tried to sweep under the table in grubby little deals to con the membership into thinking all is well, reinstate each and every complaint against all those we know were due for disciplinary hearings ­ dont let Lott drop his 60 complaints against Hockney or the Party Secretarys undertaking to represent the complaints against Longman etc. etc.

Yes, unlike Speight, Hockney, Cole et al, I know where the rest of the skeletons are buried and I WILL expose them ALL and ensure UKIP is finished for good if you do not give Hockney, Longman etc. the right to clear their names openly, transparently and before a hearing of the full disciplinary committee with full minutes open to scrutiny.

If the Party Secretary lacks the decency to carry out his duties then it is time for him to resign. If the Party Leader lacks the integrity to lead then what is he for? If the Chairman is too weak to acquit his DUTIES what is he for? If the Treasurer has to shelter behind the rules to stay amongst a majority who do not want him!! Surely he is best advised to resign whilst holding the moral high ground! If the Party Secretary feels he can act against his own NEC without authority and try to rally constituency chairmen he is obviously not OF the NEC! If Tony Schofield can seek to damage the credibility of UKIP with letters to the Tory Party!!! If Derek Clark is too weak to prosecute his duty!! If Tony Stone abstains from voting on substantial issues and tries to avoid finding out what is going on!!

This is the NEC of UKIP who pretend to their members, who pay their bills, that they are competent to and will win seats at Westminster and upto 15 MEPs in the EUropean Soviets Parliamentary elections ­ know any other good jokes??

The threat is clear and directed against many of UKIP's NEC, other than Farage. The threat is disclosure of some dark secrets those named would presumably prefer to be kept that way. Nice goings-on in public!

Another reader and individual attacked, Christina Speight has prepared her own precis of the outburst which we quote below mainly for sheer entertainment value, but apologies to any mentioned with thinner skin than ours:-

Then he castigates just about everyone inside UKIP for dereliction of one
kind or another ( Remember he is not a member of UKIP.)
Let ne list them:

1. Damian Hockney .. this week's prime villain ... oily, pathetic, issuing half-truths, untrue, [make up his mind!] paranoia, fantasy, misrepresentation, inaccurate, charmless , ludicrous obsessions, dishonesty .... much much more !! But NO attempt to disprove anything!

2-6 Andy Edwards, Judith Longman, Catherine Jeffs, Martin Cole, Michael Cassidy and the rest of the poisonous tendency and their ilke [sic]

7. The Chairman (Lott) - inefficiency
8. The Party Secretary (Clark) too weak
9. The Treasurer (J de Roeck) unwanted
10. Tony Schofield - letters to the Tory Party
11. Secretary (Harvey) - no decency -
12. Tony Stone - he abstains
13. Tony Bennett - lies about GLW

At this point one must pause and ask who's left in the party that he DOES like? Why the heart of the 'cabal' - Farage whom he is paid to like - Nattrass, Booth and (perhaps) Titford.

Of course Christina herself is not spared but says she is at least a 'Happy Harridan"!

posted by Martin |5:06 PM
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