UKIP Uncovered
What motivates the leaders of the United Kingdom Independence Party?

Sunday, June 22, 2003 

Michael Harvey

Debate has apparently been raging, within a UKIP discussion group, as to whether or not UKIP General Secretary Michael Harvey should be granted access to that forum, which was set up for party volunteer, ie unpaid members only. Great store has been set by some as to whether or not it would be democratic to exclude him.

UKIP Uncovered believes that the essence of democracy is a willingness to openly discuss conflicting views and explain the reasons for forming a particular opinion on any one subject. The ability to demonstrate a willingness to explain past actions is also an essential part of this process. Martin Cole has many questions that he has put to Michael Harvey over the past few months, many of which can be found on these pages and all of which remain unanswered.

I invite MIchael Harvey to e-mail this blog with some of the answers to all the many queries is a simple one to start:-

Why, as Returning Officer in the recent European Parliamentary Candidate elections, did he proceed with the MEP postal ballot, when he knew Cole's appeal was being prepared and the deadline for submission had considerable time to run?

There are of course many such other questions that this individual could never honestly answer without revealing himself as the antithesis of everything most of us mean by the word democrat

posted by Martin |9:03 PM
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