UKIP Uncovered
What motivates the leaders of the United Kingdom Independence Party?

Wednesday, April 16, 2003 

Following the item UK Independents take action after BNP infiltration claims quoted in full below, certain members of the North-East committee, having been tarred with insinuations of BNP sympathies from their own party leadership, wrote the following letter to the newspaper. Once again we have been awaiting its appearance in the archived web edition of the newspaper. In the absence of such we will post it here, assuming the signatories can have no objections. It read:-

Dear Sir, 12.04.03

We write with regard to your report in todays's edition entitled "UK Independents take action after BNP infiltrations claims".

We are some of the members of the North East Committee of the UK Independence Party who have been removed from office. Your article could be read as meaning that we are involved with BNP infiltration of our Party: this is untrue and we wish to state clearly that we are not and have never been members of the BNP or similar organisation.

In addition, we believe that, if UKIP is to fight successfully for British independence from the undemocratic and financially corrupt European Union, we must have candidates who are both team players and of impeccable background. To our dismay, one of the prospective candidates approved by UKIP Head Office in London has a financial background which is most unsatisfactory, to say the least. Despite our objections, Head Office insist upon this individual continuing as a prospective candidate. This is why we have not signed the declaration of support, and this has led to us being removed from office.

Also to our dismay, Head Office has removed from the candidates list Mr Martin Cole, who is of unstained character. It was he who alerted UKIP Head Office to possible membership irregularities in the first place. As reported earlier in your newspaper, he had already indicated his unwillingness to continue as a candidate while the Party has its current leaders, and he has now been disqualified by London.

Meanwhile, we in the North East have been trying to investigate how a member of the BNP came to be sent a UKIP membership card for which he says he did not even pay. Our questions to Head Office to try to establish the facts have been completely ignored. Regrettably, this is not the first of our letters to receive no response from those in London.

Yours faithfully,
M. Rollings, M. Rouse, R. Makin and J. Wallace

posted by Martin |10:17 PM
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