UKIP Uncovered
What motivates the leaders of the United Kingdom Independence Party?

Saturday, April 26, 2003 

The following appears on the web site of the Bristol British National Party:-

The Committee of the Bristol & Western Counties Region send fraternal greetings to their UKIP colleagues in the SW and their sincere best wishes for success at the polls on May 1st.

If the last three months have proved anything (our italics)- it has proved that co-operation, rather than competition, pays dividends. The decison to avoid competion in the selection of local authority seats in the SW has meant that the potential “nightmare” of both BNP and UKIP candidates contesting the same seats (particularly in the Taunton and Torbay areas) on basically the same political platforms has largely been avoided - clearly a sound decision benefiting both parties.

In addition UKIP’s adoption of a more robust stance on the asylum seeker issue, bringing the party into line with BNP policy (even down, it has to be said, to the adoption of our “It’s a matter of Space and not Race” slogan) is to be applauded.

We look forward to further co-operation with UKIP during the year ahead.

Bristol BNP Home Page

No doubt UKIP's Leadership will push aside this story as another BNP attempt to smear the party, but maybe this time we can have an explanation of events in Taunton and in Torbay, unlike what happened in the Darlington situation which hit the headlines in that town over a month ago, and still remains uninvestigated and unexplained.

posted by Martin |1:48 PM
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